A Guide to Faraday Bags

The bags to truly go off grid

In our ever-evolving technological landscape, where digital interconnectivity has become the norm, the imperative to safeguard our electronic devices from potential threats has reached unprecedented levels. Among the innovative solutions in combating digital threats, one of them that is gaining rapid traction is the Faraday bag, a name synonymous with the 19th-century scientist Michael Faraday, whose groundbreaking work in electromagnetic induction laid the groundwork for contemporary electromagnetic shielding. 

These bags have transcended their initial conception and emerged as indispensable tools for protecting our digital assets. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the intricacies of what a Faraday bag entails and unveil its profound significance in today's interconnected world.

Faraday Bag Design

At its core, a Faraday bag is a meticulously engineered pouch designed with a singular purpose – to neutralize electromagnetic signals and repel radio frequency (RF) waves from permeating electronic devices nestled within its confines. Crafted from a strategic amalgamation of conductive materials, such as metalized polyester, the bag forms an impervious protective enclosure, functioning as a contemporary Faraday cage that deflects external electromagnetic radiation. This modern iteration stands as a testament to the enduring relevance of Faraday's pioneering principles.

Benefits of Faraday Bags

So what exactly does a faraday bag do for you? Let’s break it down.

Shielding Against Dynamic Cyber Threats

In an era where cyber threats evolve dynamically, the Faraday bag emerges as a robust line of defense against potential hacking attempts. Its ability to fortify electronic devices against electromagnetic signals significantly reduces the risk of data compromise, information theft, and unauthorized tracking, thus ensuring the integrity of personal and sensitive information.

Preserving Privacy in a Digital Age

As RFID technology permeates passports, credit cards, and key fobs, Faraday bags have become essential for preserving personal privacy. By erecting an impenetrable barrier against unauthorized access, these bags empower users to mitigate the risks associated with the growing ubiquity of RFID-enabled devices.

Emergency Preparedness and Resilience

Faraday bags play a pivotal role in emergency preparedness by shielding essential electronic devices from the potential havoc wreaked by electromagnetic pulses (EMPs), which are very possible in today’s climate, as you do not know what this modern warfare will entail. Whether induced by a solar storm or a man-made event, EMPs possess the capacity to disrupt or damage electronic systems. Faraday bags act as stalwart guardians, ensuring the continued functionality of critical devices such as communication tools, radios, and GPS during and after such events.

Legal and Law Enforcement Safeguards

Within the realms of legal proceedings and law enforcement, Faraday bags find extensive use in securing and isolating electronic evidence. By preventing tampering or remote access by malicious actors, these bags uphold the integrity of electronic devices seized as evidence, bolstering the credibility of the legal process.

Corporate and Military Applications

In corporate and military spheres, where the safeguarding of sensitive information and secure communication is paramount, Faraday bags have become indispensable tools. They effectively shield devices from electronic eavesdropping or interception, thus ensuring the confidentiality of communications and strategic information.

The Best Faraday Bags

When it comes to finding a good Faraday Bag, we have tried and tested many different options. Now, the guys at Core Vision Training love to use products from SLNT, as we enjoy some time away from our electronic devices. There are plenty of different places we use faraday bags from SLNT, such as when we are out on the range doing some LPVO training, or going indoors for some close quarters combat training, SLNT really has our back when we want to be off the grid. That being said, our team highly recommends them when it comes to storing your cellular devices when you want to tune the world out a bit more. Let’s break it down a bit more. 

A bit more about SLNT products, these bags are proudly made in the United States and they are Berry and TAA compliant. There are a variety of different options that you can choose from, such as phone bags to backpacks, so which is our favorite?

The Incognito Faraday Backpack

We certainly love having a good backpack to keep our belongings in, not necessarily just phones, we like to keep everything from extra socks to our tactical eyewear. That being said, the Incognito Faraday Backpack is perfect for those who value their privacy, as well as digital and physical security. The Incognito Faraday Backpack is made with an unbranded design, lockable zippers, and two concealed carry hidden quick access pockets so you can quickly draw your sidearm if you come into a survival situation. That’s right, you don’t just need to use a holster, and you don’t have to worry about your sidearm being loose in your backpack, as the SLNT Faraday Incognito Backpack has a spot crafted just for your sidearm.

Aside from that, your belongings truly are secure in these bags, from your sidearm to your cell phone and wallet. These bags also feature two removable signal-blocking Faraday compartments that instantly block all wireless communication, ensuring your devices remain disconnected and protected from potential threats such as hackers and trackers. You are able to really experience complete security and go off the grid with the Incognito Faraday Backpack, and block out the following:

  • Cellular

  • WiFi

  • Bluetooth

  • GPS

  • RFID

  • NFC

  • Satellite

  • Navigation

  • EMP

  • Solar Flare

  • Key Fob

  • EMF Radiation

Use code “CVT” for a discount on SLNT products!

Are Faraday Bags Needed? Isn’t My Phone Safe?

Though you can turn off your phone, switch the location off, and put passcode protection on all of your devices, you still are not safe. There are people out there dedicated to stealing your information, draining your accounts, and taking everything from you. That being said, faraday bags are great options to add to your gear checklist or your next Christmas lifts if you really want to be safe from those who wish to do you digital harm.


As our reliance on electronic devices continues to burgeon, so does the imperative to shield them from an array of potential threats. The Faraday bag, with its multifaceted utility, has transcended its initial conception, emerging as a versatile and practical solution to fortify our digital assets comprehensively. By ensuring the security of our devices against dynamic cyber threats, preserving personal privacy, and fortifying resilience in the face of potential emergencies, Faraday bags contribute significantly to cultivating a secure and robust digital landscape. As we seamlessly integrate Faraday bag usage into our daily routines, we not only enhance our personal cybersecurity but also play an instrumental role in fortifying the broader digital ecosystem against the evolving challenges of the modern age.

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